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When the decision is made

...and you find yourself doubting what you just did. Just know that, most of the time, it's not your intuition throwing you a curveball- it's your mind doing its job, all though it might not feel that way. Let me explain why.

the NOTE Nr. 01

You got an idea to do something new, it feels fresh, exciting and you feel it in your whole body that this is your next step. It feels exhilarating. Expanding. Or, maybe you just accepted a new job-offer that the universe so perfectly lined up for you, a job that you secretly or not so secretly have been wanting. You´ve been desireing something new, something different. It shows up, and you accept it.

It feels so good. Like a new adventure unfolding right in front of your eyes, and you feel so lucky to be part of it. However big or small, it feels great to have taken this next step.

That's until your mind kicks in a few days or moments later; "What did you just do?!"

All of a sudden you doubt your decision.

Know this: Your minds only job is to keep you safe, alive and ...happy. Your mind interprets happy as comfortable. And it knows that you are comfortable in your comfort-zone; where you can predict most of what is going on and, where you have your routines.

The feeling of going outside this zone can be overwhelming and really uncomfortable. To the point where you want to run back and not take another step forward. Ever. Again.

Whenever you feel this way - celebrate!

Celebrate that your life is changing, that you choose to move forward, that you listen to your intuition before anyone or anything else.

Feel into this uncomfortable feeling and acknowledge it. Give it a smile, a hug, and just let it be. Put on a song and dance it away - and remind yourself of the feeling you had when you got the idea or accepted the offer.

You are expanding your comfort-zone and what you feel is growing-pains. Your only job now is to remind your body and mind of what you want this new zone to feel like. Connect with your dreams, all the possibilities you see in your future.

And smile. Smiling always helps. It shows your mind that you are happy with your decision.

This sounds so simple when you read it, and it is, but know that even the best of us forgets, gets caught up in the uncomfortable feeling and asks themself "what did I just do?!".

And then they remember; it´s just the mind doing it´s job. And that is perfectly fine.


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