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Want more time to do what you want?

I used to say to myself that I didn´t have time to do anything - untill I marked out all the extra time in my calendar and realised I had plenty of time. The only place I were busy was in my mind.

the NOTE Nr.03

This is want I did:

I cleared my whole calendar, and started fresh.

One thing

I wrote down one thing I want to do weekly. One thing. I went with my first thought and it felt new and challenging to me; Every Sunday I’ll go for a swim in the lake. No matter the weather or the temperature.

I wrote down one thing I want to do monthly that really excites me, something to look forward to;

I would love to start, or finish, every moth by taking myself for a nice drive and a cup of coffee, some lunch, maybe a spa appointment in a beautiful town a couple of hours away. It fills me with so much joy just thinking about it. What a beautiful start, or finish, to the month.

These two things are the first to go into my calendar. What are yours?


Then I sat down with a new cup of coffee and asked myself “how do I want my month to feel like?"

I love the idea of seasons, so why not divide the month into seasons? They don't have to be divided equally, but they have to have a different feel to them.

For instance; One project I’m working on I’ve now set aside 3 full days for every month instead of having it in the back of my mind and, spread out as small taskes every day/week. I'm not too rigid, but now I feel exited for the second Monday to Wednesday to come around every month because I know my focus will be on this project.

How many projects do you have going on, and how much time do you want to give to each of them? Give the most time to the projects that gives you energy and lights you up, these are the once you put into your calendar first. This is important. Don´t let your mind convince you othervice.

I can tell you this; looking at my calendar now it feels like a loooong time for the second Monday to arrive. It’s 2 weeks left of the month and it feels like three weeks has gone by since the last time I worked on my project, it already feels like a long month, in the most positive way possible!

When the weeks suddenly don’t look the same anymore, when there’s something new and exciting dividing them up and, and there’s something to look forward to telling you it’s a new month with new energy, time suddenly slows down a bit.

Your week

Is there any days during the week that you would like to spend on someting special? How do you want your week to start and end?

I often feel inspired on Monday mornings so I block out 7am-12pm for inspiration and creation.

Wednesdays feels like a good day to see Private Clients and do sessions.

Fridays feels like the perfect day for follow-ups, and calls with new clients, it's always such a high vibe and lot's of positive energy on Fridays, and the perfect way to end my week.

3 days in one

Some of my days I devide into three parts; 7am-12pm, 12pm-5pm, 5pm-9pm. I set aside one of these three "days" to my have to(s), one to be social or out in nature, and one more for have to(s) or I´ll spend it listening to podcasts, audiobooks and other inspiration.

Your have to(s)

At the end of my coffee I was looking at the overview of the month and I wrote down all the things I have to do every week/month and portioned them out. How many things do you actually need to do? A lot of the things we do is based on old habits. Do you really need to do them, or is there something else you rather be doing? Keep a seperte list on your desk and write down every task you do that drains you - or doesn´t give you energy or a smile on your face. Over time, see which ones you can let go of all together, and outsource the rest.

Flow time

The rest of the time in your calender, all the open space, is set aside for flow; meaning time to breathe, look at the weather, just be. Time to take a walk or nap mid-day so your ideas and inspiration has a chance to come through. Time to follow your intuition and test new tings out. This is time to daydream, listen to some music, audio books, do things that lights you up, listen to a podcast that inspires your, and time to have have fun and feel calm and excited.

You're weekends

Weekends are weekends. You can spend your´s as you´d like, but I prefer to spend it doing other things then in the week. All though I often have a hard time not working because it gives me so much inspitation and energy! But weekends are sacred. I don´t like to plan them, I´d rather be spontanious and do what I want to. Sundays is for swimming in the lake, baking a cake and inspiration. I love to wake up on a Sunday morning knowing I can spend hours in bed reading, scrolling Pinterest, or being in the garden. As long as it gives me some sort of inspiration.

I hope you find this inspiring. I feel so free looking at my calendar now seeing all the flow-time and the stacks of things I want to focus on instead of a packed calender where weeks flies by so, so fast.

Let me know how your weeks and months feels like after structuring your month this way.


Whenever I feel time flies by I'm most likely all up in my head, chasing some thoughts, so I shift my attention to my breathing for 2 minutes. Set your alarm. Feel how your body as it moves, how it actually feels like to breathe. Time slows down, and the 2 small minutes takes for ever to go by.


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